Adria Camping Rally izleti - TRI OTOKA / THREE ISLANDS
Srijeda / Wednesday, 25. 6. 2025.
Izlet brodom na Šoltu, Drvenik Veli i Čiovo
Boat trip to Šolta, Drvenik Veli and Čiovo
Ovo je izlet za sve one koji vole i žele promijeniti okolinu da uživaju u ljepotama i prednostima mora i sunca. Polazeći iz kampa prvo odredište turneje je otok Šolta i zaustavljamo se u malom ribarskom mjestu Maslinica. Tamo ćete imati 1 sat slobodnog vremena za šetnju, kupnju suvenira ili jednostavno piti kavu ... Vožnja brodom iz Maslinice do uvale Krknjaši ispred otoka Drvenika, uglavnom poznate kao Plava laguna zbog svojeg pješčanog dna i kristalno čistog mora. Nakon slobodnog vremena za kupanje plovimo na treći otok našeg izleta u uvalu Duga na otoku Čiovu. Tamo je organiziran ručak. Nakon ručka i slobodnog vremena za opuštanje i plivanje, napuštamo otok Čiovo i vraćamo se u kamp.
• 09:20 - Polazak iz kampa Amadria Park Camping Trogir
• 11:00-12:00 - Otok Šolta, slobodno vrijeme za istraživanje otoka
• 12:20-13:10 – Blue Lagoon, plivanje s broda
• 13:10-13:30 - Vožnja brodom do Duge na otoku Čiovo, mjesto za ručak
• 13:30-15:45 - Vrijeme za ručak i plivanje na plaži
• 15:40 - Polazak natrag prema kampu Amadria
• 16:30 - Dolazak u kamp
Uključeno: prijevoz brodom, ručak u restoranu/konobi (meso, riba i vege), piće na brodu i restoranu; vino i voda
Cijena izleta po osobi:
odrasli – 90,00 €
djeca – 60,00 € (3-12 god.)
NAPOMENA: Svi izleti se moraju prijaviti isključivo unaprijed radi rezervacije mjesta. Neće biti naknadnih prijava. Nije potrebno platiti unaprijed već zajedno kod odlaska sa susreta.
Boat trip to Šolta, Drvenik Veli and Čiovo
This is an excursion for all those who love and want to change the environment to enjoy the beauty and benefits of the sea and the sun. Starting from the camp, the first destination of the tour is the island of Šolta and we stop in the small fishing village of Maslinica. There you will have 1 hour of free time to walk, buy souvenirs or simply drink coffee... Boat ride from Maslinica to the Krknjaši bay in front of the island of Drvenik, mostly known as the Blue Lagoon because of its sandy bottom and crystal clear sea. After free time for swimming, we sail to the third island of our trip to Duga bay on the island of Čiovo. Lunch was organized there. After lunch and free time to relax and swim, we leave the island of Čiovo and return to the camp.
• 09:20 - Departure from Amadria Park Camping Trogir
• 11:00-12:00 - Island of Šolta, free time to explore the island
• 12:20-13:10 – Blue Lagoon, swimming from the boat
• 13:10-13:30 - Boat ride to Duga on the island of Čiovo, place for lunch
• 13:30-15:45 - Time for lunch and swimming at the beach
• 15:40 - Departure back to the Amadria camp
• 16:30 - Arrival at the camp
Included: boat transport, lunch in a restaurant/tavern (meat, fish and vegetarian), drinks on the boat and in the restaurant; wine and water
Excursion price per person:
adults – €90.00
children – €60.00 (3-12 years)
NOTE: All excursions must be registered in advance to reserve a place. There will be no subsequent applications. It is not necessary to pay in advance, but together when leaving the meeting.
ACR - Naslovna